HEMA: Historical European Martial Arts
So you want to play with swords! Whether your interest began with Princess Bride, Lord of the Rings, or Game of Thrones, whether you’re big into Dungeons and Dragons, or maybe you’ve done sports, fencing, or martial arts growing up and you want to get back into it — whatever the reason, you’re in the right place! We provide the gear. We provide the swords. We teach you how to use them.
HEMA is about using this:
To learn how to do this:
About Us
Fencing School
The school was founded with the goal of helping people become the best sword fighter they want to be. No one is forced to do more than they want, and if you want to improve, we will help you get there. At the end of each class we have Free Sparring, where anyone can fence anyone with any of our weapons.
Social Club
The club also gets together outside of classes. We are a nerdy and relaxed group of people who enjoy board games, video games, hiking, rafting and more. SCHF is about friends as much as it’s about fencing. Check out photos below for some of our adventures! Click the link below to learn more about our main crew.
There is no better way to test your skills than to fence fighters from across the country. We organize trips to compete in regional HEMA events and we previously hosted our own annual tournament.