Ashleigh Hobbs


Operations Manager | Owner

Ashleigh handles all the details of running SCHF, such as finances, event coordination, public relations, marketing, and recruitment. She began learning Italian Longsword in 2010, and trained German Longsword 2015 - 2018 before taking a hiatus to focus on running the business side of SCHF. She has three Silver medals in Open Steel Women’s Longsword tournaments, from Swordsquatch 2016 in Seattle and SERFO 2016 & 2017 in Atlanta.

At the end of 2019, Ashleigh facilitated the formation of the Ohio River Valley League to formally bring together clubs in the region for networking, cross-training, and mutual community support.

She served 3 terms on the Governing Council of the HEMA Alliance, a national non-profit community service organization. She has previously worked as Customer Service for Purpleheart Armoury, the largest distributor of HEMA gear in North America.

While living in Louisiana, Ashleigh fulfilled the same administrative role at Ordo Procinctus HEMA. She played a major role in the establishment and functioning of the Southern Historical Fencing League until moving to Pittsburgh in 2016.